Bangga Jadi Petani

“Tidaklah seorang muslim menanam suatu tanaman melainkan apa yang dimakan dari tanaman itu sebagai sedekah baginya, dan apa yang dicuri dari tanaman tersebut sebagai sedekah baginya dan tidaklah kepunyaan seorang itu dikurangi melainkan menjadi sedekah baginya.” (HR. Imam Muslim Hadits no.1552)

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

How to use Leaf Color Chart (LCC) for Rice


Below will explain how to use Leaf Color Chart (LCC) to improve the effectiveness of fertilization on rice cultivation. Leaf color chart (LCC) is a rectangular device that is useful to know the nutrient content of rice plant N. In the tool box there are four color scale, ranging from light green to dark green, which describes the level of green leaves of rice plants. For example, if light green leaves of the plant means plant nutrient deficiencies N that need to be cultivated. Conversely, if the plant leaves dark green or greenish leaf level of the same color scale in box 4 on BWD means plants already have enough nutrients N and thus no longer cultivated. The results showed that the use of LCC in the activities of N fertilizer urea fertilizer use can save as much as 15-20% of the dose that is commonly used by farmers without reducing yield.
BWD How to use:

Before the age of 14 days after transplanting (DAT), the rice plants fertilized with basic a dose of 50-75 kg N per hectare. At that BWD has not been necessary.
  1. Measuring the level of green rice leaf with BWD begins when the plants are 25-28 HST. Measurements continued every 7-10 days, to plants under bunting or phase primordia. This method applies to ordinary varieties. Especially for hybrid rice and paddy new type, the measurement of green leaves of plants made up 10% of plants are flowering.
  2. Choose a random 10 healthy clumps at a uniform stretch, then select the top leaves have fully opened in a clump.
  3. Put the center of the leaf on the LCC, then compare the color of the leaves with the color scale on the LCC. If the color of the leaves is between two color scales in BWD, then use the average value of the two scales, eg 3.5 for leaf color value that lies between the scale of 3 to 4 scale BWD.
  4. At the time of measuring leaf plants with BWD, officers should not be facing the sun, because it affects the value of the measurement.
  5. Where possible, each measurement is made at the time and by the same person, so that the value of more accurate measurement.
  6. If more than 5 out of 10 leaf color observed in the critical limit or the average value of less than 4.0 then the plants should be given a dose of fertilizer N:
    • 50-70 kg of urea per hectare yield in low season (in certain places like Subang in West Java, the low yield is the dry season).
    • 75-100 kg urea per hectare in the high yield (in certain places such as Sragen Kuningan West Java and Central Java, mucin high yield is the dry season).
    • 100 kg urea per hectare of hybrid rice and paddy new type, both in the low yield and high yield season.
• If the value of hybrid rice leaf color and a new type of rice plants at the exit condition and 10% flowering panicles are on a scale of 4 or less, then plant N fertilizer should be given a dose of 50 kg urea per hectare

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