support the development of intensive farming melon-scale agribusiness,
aquaculture technology packages, availability and adequate post-harvest
also be information feasibility technical, economic, and social culture
of the commodity ini.Budidaya melon can be directed at supporting
efforts to increase farmers' incomes, improving nutrition communities,
reducing imports and increasing exports, expansion of employment
opportunities and wirausahtani, improved environmental quality. Whoever
does not know Melon (Cucumis melo, L) is a creeper that grows crops like
cucumber plants. Melon plants can be propagated on a bamboo stake or
dijalarkan like watermelon. From the armpit leaves sprout - new shoots
and if allowed to form many branches of I. TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tool
Equipment: • Polybag size. 37 cm x 40 cm • Land for planting melons •
trellis out of bamboo, wood batten 2 x 4 cm • Nail size 2 - inch • Rope
Rapia. ½ inch plastic hose 10 m • Scissors and knife saprodi melon
seeds, Manure, Fertilizer NPK, Urea, Lime, Insecticides, Fungsisida,
Herbicide 2. Cultivation of the system poly (plastic bags) to adjust to
the climate and soil conditions at the time, with the implementation
ofthe Land a. polybag soil to fill consisting of soil,
sand, rice husk ash, ORGANIC fertilizer with a ratio of 1: 1:
1 b.Pesemaian Simultaneously by filling in polybag done seeding melon
seeds in nursery media c.transplanting After about 14 days old nursery
planting on polyabg, one rod per polybag, with a distance of placement
ploybag 50cm x 75 cm. d.maintenance • Installation of trellis do when
the plants begin to vine or around the age of 5-8 days after planting,
as he set the direction knock • Trimming, cuting is very important
because it will affect crop productivity growen and, minded growing
very fast then trimming must do it every day so that the growth of
the branch has not been too long. Branches emerging from the first leaf
to leaf axillary eighth cut, and from leaf to leaf thirteenth nine
branches that grow maintained for fertilization after thirteen leaves
no need for branch maintained until the seventeenth leaf stem is cut. •
Fertilization, basal fertilizer use fertilizer Pearls 15 grams / polybag
given padasaat fill polybag, supplementary fertilizer each 10 g /
polybag each half months. • Selection of fruit, fruit that maintained
maximum of two seeds per tree were taken from branch to branch to 9 to
13 to get the optimal fruit • weeding, is done every half months or the
condition of the land • Control pests, pests which attack them is-worm, the caterpillar was a disease that attacks the buds
are anthracnose and leaf rust disease.More control in mechanical fisk
and for disease using fungsida Bion - M or other brands of e. Harvest,
melon begins to bear fruit at the age of 20 days after planting, fruit
selected maintained until the age of about 60 are ready storage
services, with the characteristics - traits: • To varietà Slyroket
characteristics of fruit each harvest is net formed on the fruit skin
looks already meeting • Color rind from yellowish white • rind color
from yellowish white fruit stalk change • In the ring / circle crack
crack • distinctive aroma smelled of melon. analysis Farming (population
= Number of plants 500 trees)A.Input 1.Saprodi Rp. 1.555 million USD
2.Alat and Supplies. 645 000 Work 3.skil Rp.580,000 Number of
Rp. 2.775 million B.Output 1. 400 seeds @ 3 kg = 1200 kg1200 kg
2.Price sale @ Rp. 5000 USD. 6 million 3.income Rp. 6 million -
Rp. 2.775 million = Rp. 3,225,000 Moderate in terms of benefits to your body you can read the following: melon benefits for our health are: 1. As
anticancer. 2. Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation. 3. Reduce
the risk of heart disease and stroke. 4. Prevent blood clots. 5. Reduce
the risk of kidney disease. 6. Eczema cure. 7. Prevent and cure
heartburn. soryy my english language very bad , good luck
Bagi sahabat dumay yang menggunakan teks dan gambar didalam blog ini , mohon kiranya sahabat mencantumkan link blog ini ya , terima kasih atas perhatiannya dan semoga anda sukses .
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